Sudin Pokhrel aka DA 69

Sudin Pokhrel is among the pioneer rappers in Nepal. His talent for singing in only surpassed by his love for #Cricket. Given a choice, he would rather don #Nepal Jersey than get an award for his singing. Here he talks about his love for Cricket and what the game means in his life. He tweets as...

Pawan Agrawal, former Nepal Captain

Pawan Agrawal was Nepal Cricket captain before Nepali Cricket became fashionable. Nepali media looks forward to his nuanced as well as balanced view on Cricket and Cricket management. Calm and collected, you would always see him making sense. In this episode of Cow Corner, we present you Pawan in a...

Sohan Shrestha, former Journalist

Sohan Shrestha used to be the thick, bold voice of Nepali Radio and Radio News, when Nepali private FM radios began disseminating news in late 90s. But now, he's hung up his journalist microphone, along with the keyboard (or pen) for Corporate suits. However, that hasn't diminished his love for...